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/ Tatty MacLeod: Witz an Identitéit tëscht zwou Kulturen


Tatty MacLeod: Witz an Identitéit tëscht zwou Kulturen

D’Tatty Macleod ass eng franséisch-brittesch Komikerin déi mat hiren Observatiounen iwwert hir zwou Kulture Leit aus der ganzer Welt zum Laache bréngt. Si stellt hir Show en Donneschdeg och zu Lëtzebuerg vir.


6 min

Tatty Macleod | © Tatty Macleod
Foto: Tatty Macleod

Text vum Claire Barthelemy

Et ass ganz liicht, fir ongezwonge mam Tatty ze schwätzen. Ier mer mat eisem Interview ugefaang hunn, huet si gewarnt, dass se sech kuerz virdru spray tan op d’Gesiicht gemaach huet.

"You’re gonna see me, you’re gonna think what’s happening to her skin. Over the course of this call, it will get darker, ok?"

Et ass genau dësen éierlechen, selbstironeschen Humor deen si zum Star an de soziale Medie gemaach huet. An dobäi hat se eigentlech Droit studéiert. Nom deem Studium hat se sech dunn awer entscheet, Schauspillerin ze ginn a si hat se sech mat Niewenjobs iwwer Waasser gehal.

"I was working as a waitress, as a receptionist, as a travel guide a lot and my evenings will be spent doing stand-up and I did that for about seven years before the pandemic happened and then I went on social media and that really changed my life."

Den Duerchbroch an der Pandemie

An der Pandemie huet si hire groussen Duerchbroch gehat. D’Leit ware vill online an hu Liichtegkeet gebraucht. An hire Videoe spillt d’Tatty verschidde Charakteren, déi sech an de kulturellen Ënnerscheeder tëscht Frankräich an England verfänken. Et geet hei zum Beispill ëm d’Aarbechtswelt, déi am Summer a Frankräich net ze erreechen ass, an ëm franséisch Supermarchéen, wou d’Englänner sech iwwert déi bëlleg Wäipräisser freeën, awer d’langue de boeuf direkt rëm zréck an d’Regal leen. Relatiounen a Moud sinn och grouss Themen.

Eng nei Heemecht zu Paräis

Viru kuerzem ass d’Tatty op Paräis geplënnert, a reest lo tëscht London a Frankräich hin an hir. An Obwuel si jo perfekt Franséisch schwätzt, seet si, dass jiddereen zu Paräis si direkt als Brittin erkennt.

"People already know that I'm British before I even speak and it's because I'm wearing a leopard print coat with pink hair. My look is not Parisian. I walk into a shop and the sales assistants speak to me in English before I’ve even spoken. They open with hello can I ‘elp? Immediately, but it's the first thing that they say because they just look at me and they think ‚ah non elle n’est pas française‘."

Wat si zu Frankräich an England vermësst

Ginn et da Saachen, déi si aus Frankräich vermësst, wa si zu London ass?

"I miss i like how everything is quite late here so you can go for dinner at 10:30 pm if you want to and that's not so weird and there's you can say 2 am without having to go to a club, so I really like that culture that we have in Paris. I miss butter, I miss wine."

A wa si a Frankräich ass, da vermësst si dat brittescht Nationalgedrénks an d’Fräiheet, déi een zu London huet. Hei geet et dann och rëm em de Leopardemantel.

"When I'm in France, I miss tea. I bring back stacks of teabags with me when I come from London, so yeah, you know I miss that. I miss how comfortable it can be just a while like the matter is closed and no one gives a shit whereas in Paris I feel like you know you walk out in a leopard print coat and it's like ‚WOW she's so wild, she’s bold!‘ And I’m like, oh my god, I’m just going to the shops."

Humor iwwer kulturell Grenze verdeelen

Der Tatty hir Show ass zwar op Englesch, mee et kommen natierlech och e puer franséisch Ausdréck dra vir. A well d’Tatty och elo international Toure mécht, kann et natierlech sinn, datt heiansdo Witzer net ukommen. Dat ass awer guer kee Problem fir d’Komikerin.

"If I speak French and it doesn't land, you hear it in the room and then you just have to translate it a bit more. You’re live with the audience, it's not like it's a play and you can't speak directly. It's like if there's a joke which works really well, when I'm in the UK and it's not landing in Germany, they might not find it funny, you know obviously  that's a risk but also you can just have a conversation do you know what that means? Do you understand that? you can be open to it."

Brexit a seng perséinlech Auswierkungen

Fir d’Tatty, dei a Frankräich opgewuess ass an Brittesch Elteren huet, war de Brexit keng schéin Erfarung. Si beschreift sech als Europäerin, déi mam europäeschen Zesummenhalt grouss ginn ass, an duerno als Erwuessen de Verfall vun der Relatioun tëscht Frankräich a Groussbritannie materlieft huet. An hirer Aarbecht well si dat perséinlecht vum Brexit ervir hiewen.

"Actually, going back to the humanity of it and being like but this is my means to me from an identity level, and how difficult it is for me to digest now who I am when you've literally changed this sort of the limitations of my identity without my permission that's something which you know I can talk authority, because it involves me really so that's what I try to do."

Humor, och wa Saachen net ëmmer witzeg sinn

A wéi kann een a sou engem perséinlechen Theema witzeg bleiwen?

"Well, where there’s a will, there’s a way. it can be funny and also it’s ok if it’s not at times. I think when with people like an hour and 20 there's gonna be there's gonna be bits where it's gonna be funny and bits where it’s less funny and all that's okay like people are there and they gonna stay."

Eng Show fir Expatriéierten a Multikultureller

Am Tatty sengem Wierk geet et em déi witzeg an awer och heiansdo konfus Momenter, wa verschidde Kulturen openeen treffen. Als Auslänner kann d’Liewen awer och heiansdo bëssen einsam sinn, seet d’Tatty. Si hofft, dass hir Show Zougewanderten hëllefe kann, sech vläit net sou eleng ze fillen.

"I really hope that people come and see my show whether it's because there's loads of other expats in the room or because of the things I say on stage, they realise how much of a shared experience that is and that they're not so isolated in that feeling of ‘I feel like I don’t quite belong here, but I don't quite belong there’ - that in between feeling that you can have as an expert I think that it’s nice when people come and see my show and they leave feeling represented. That's very lovely."

Lëtzebuerg als perfekt Plattform

Lëtzebuerg, mat senger multikultureller Identitéit, ass vläicht souguer déi ideal Plaz, fir dem Tatty säin Optrëtt.  

"I think in many ways it might be my best ever origins because the experience have been an expert and I've been kind of culturally fluid is very luxembourgish."

An du war eist Gespréich riwwer an dem Tatty hire Spray Tan war bis dohin och agezunn. Hir Stand-up Comedy Show ass jiddefalls ze rekommandéieren, bronzéiert oder net.