60 min
Mat Neivirstellunge vu Bartosz Kruczyński, Federico Durand, Brandon Tani, a vu villen aneren!
1. Demetrio Cecchitelli - Jump / Jump (Dronarivm)
2. Late Bloøm - Emserstrasse / FELD (Sonic Dialogue)
3. Ghostloop - Patterns In Green / What We’Ve Become (Atlantea)
4. Bartosz Kruczyński - Whisper V / Dreams & Whispers (Balmat)
5. Patricia Wolf - Nocturnal Migration / The Secret Lives Of Birds (Nite Hive)
6. Tomotsugu Nakamura - Olive / For A Fleeting Moment (Forthcoming On IIKKI)
7. Federico Durand - Había Una Vez / Té De Flores Silvestres (Forthcoming On IIKKI)
8. Federica Deiana - Forward / Faith (Forthcoming On Home Normal)
9. Brandon Tani - Crestridge Ecological Reserve / The Road Was Bent From The Way We Took It (Forthcoming On Laaps)
10. Plant43 - Carried On Soft Strings : Part Three / The Unfading Spark (Forthcoming On Quiet Details)
11. Luke Elliott and Ryan J Raffa - Shelter In Western Regions / Every Somewhere (Forthcoming On AKP Recordings)